In the previous batch of blogs, I covered the Trigger Manager script
within the actual game. I did not cover
the Trigger class or TriggerManager class created in C# that is used by the
game script. This blog will cover both
of these classes.
Both of these classes were compiled in C# as a .dll file. The statement used at the beginning of the
game’s TriggerManager script, “using Battlestar”, gives the game access the
methods and properties created in C#.
Here’s the Trigger class:
It is just a bare-bones class.
It only possesses the variable declarations. Ordinarily, I would avoid this format;
however, the database used by the game requires a barebones format. Each variable in this class represents a
field in each record in the database table, “Trigger”. Since this class represents a barebones
class, I created another class to access the database using this class.
Here’s the TriggerManager class:
This class has actual operations that access the database. These are simplistic operations like: a save,
delete and load operation. To access
these operations, the game scripts use a statement like “Battlestar.TriggerManager.Load(vPath,
vMission)” to access the commands in this class. The actual game scripts never touch the
database; all database interactions are handled in .dll files.
While it would be simpler, in principle, to have the MonoDeveloper in
Unity handle these operations, it’s necessary to implement the .dll file format
due to the nature of MonoDeveloper.
Unity dynamically generates class structures. This means that a class, like the Trigger
class detailed above, would vary each game execution. This makes creating a stable table difficult
from inside Unity. Using .dll files is
the easiest solution to this problem.
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