Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Gearing up for the Trigger Load

I finished the Position and PositionData types which means that I'm getting closer to creating the game object for the game.  At this point, I need to do a few things. 

First, I need to create the "physical" object.  This will be a Scorpion class fighter.  I have the basic model done.  I'll be using the same model from previous prototypes.  I do need to clean the model up and make sure it is compatible with the things I plan on implementing in this prototype.  I also have to pay attention to the scale.  I want to shrink all of the models for this prototype which should increase the game space.  I will also need to look at iTween to draw a HUD on the actual model.  I'll use Prototype #2 to test out this option.

Second, I need to implement the new FlightControl script.  This script will be pretty close to the previous prototype; however, I will strip this script down.  It will only contain the most base functions to pilot a ship.  It will not have the player control functions or any AI routines.  These functions will be moved to dedicated scripts that pass values to FlightControl.  FlightControl will continue to track damage and visual damage effects due to being intertwined with the DamageControl script.  I do plan on making some changes to the FlightControl thrusting procedure.  I might take out the top speed at this point.  I'll look at this when I get to it. 

Third, I will need to implement a new FireControl script.  Like the FlightControl script, this script will contain only the basic functions and will not accept player inputs.

Fouth, I need to create the PlayerControl script.  This script will take all of the player input commands found in the FlightControl and FireControl scripts of previous prototypes. 

Fifth, I need to create one temporary load script to test out the new FlightControl and PlayerControl scripts. 

Sixth, I need to design the basic trigger manager and flesh out the procedure to load the player section of the trigger manager.  This will mean that I will need to create the overall trigger list class.  I'm still mulling over this part.  I'm kinda tired of programming C# at point.  I'll take a break and work with 3DS Max for abit, and then work with the actual game engine for alittle while. 

This might take some time...

1 comment:

  1. I'm reworking what needs to get done script-wise. I will also need a HUDControl and DamageControl scripts.
